[MS 23 - Mschr. Niederschrift von Gesprächen zwischen Schultze-Gävernitz und Lindsey]
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</titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <p/> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <p/> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> </teiHeader> <text> <body> <div n="1"> <p>Interview with <rs type="person" corresp="Lindsey, Ben B." ref="">Judge Lindsey</rs> (<rs type="place" corresp="Denver" ref="">Denver Colorado</rs>) <del rend="overstrike">with Prof. Schultze-Gaevernitz</del>, <hi rend="underline"><date when="1916-01">January 1916</date></hi>.</p> <p>[Diese Aufzeichnung, in der ich mehrere Gespräche mit Herrn L. zusammenfasste, wurde von <rs type="person" corresp="Zimmermann, Arthur" ref="">Zimmermann</rs> gelesen<lb/> u. ohne Correctur gebilligt.] <del rend="overstrike">Sie soll baldigst <rs type="person" corresp="Roosevelt, Franklin D." ref="">Roosevelt</rs> übermittelt u. Herrn Lindsey, nahem Freunde R.,<lb/> diesem mündlich erläutert werden. Roosevelt, dessen Praesidentschaftskandidatur für diesen Herbst Freund <rs type="person" corresp="Rumely, Edward A." ref="">Rumely</rs><lb/> eifrigst betreibt, gilt in Bezug auf Deutschland für "lernbegierig" - wohl um das "progerman vote", das auf<lb/> etwa 25% der gesammten Wählerschaft veranschlagt wird, zu gewinnen. Wie dem sei, jedenfalls ist Roosevelt drüben<lb/> <hi rend="underline">der</hi> Mann, dem an Beweglichkeit der Fantasie wie fortreissender Kraft des Willens keiner gleicht.]</del> Dieses streng vertraulich.</p> </div> <div n="1"> <p>1)<span n="10"> </span><rs type="place" corresp="Russland" ref="">Russia</rs> pushes forward to <rs type="place" corresp="Istanbul" ref="">Konstantinopel</rs><note place="bottom"><spanGrp> <span xml:lang="de">Siehe hierzu den entsprechenden <ref target="">Artikel in der Wikipedia</ref>.</span> <span xml:lang="en">See the corresponding <ref target="">Wikipedia article</ref>.</span> </spanGrp> </note> originally <lb/> by reasons of religion, to - day by economic reasons as the <lb/> big export of grain goes through the straits. Russia is bound <lb/> to export enormous quantities of agricaltural produce to pay <lb/> the interests of her enormous government loans. Russia is the <lb/> greatest debitor, the world history has ever seen. Since <lb/> <rs type="place" corresp="Japan" ref="">Japan</rs> and <rs type="place" corresp="England" ref="">England</rs> drov<del rend="overstrike">v</del>e her out of <rs type="place" corresp="Ostasien" ref="">Eastern Asia</rs>, where she had <lb/> the ambition to establish a <rs type="place" corresp="Pazifischer Ozean" ref="">Pacific</rs> Empire, Russia pressed <lb/> the much stronger upon Constantinople. The consequence was <lb/> the organisation of the <rs type="place" corresp="Balkanhalbinsel" ref="">Balkan States</rs> by Russia, which was <lb/> primarily meant to crash <rs type="place" corresp="Österreich-Ungarn" ref="">Austria-Hungary</rs>,- this state being <lb/> the chief hindrance in Russia's march to Constantinople.</p> </div> <div n="1"> <p>2)<span n="10"> </span>At the time of <rs type="person" corresp="Bismarck, Otto von" ref="">Bismarck</rs>, <rs type="place" corresp="Deutsches Reich" ref="">Germany</rs> had no life-interest <lb/> in the Balkans, but even Bismarck al ready guaranteed the integrity <lb/> of Austria-Hungary against Russian aggression, as Austria - Hungary <lb/> is the only natural ally which Germany has in the world. Under <lb/> <rs type="person" corresp="Wilhelm II." ref="">Wilhelm II</rs> Germany went farther and defended the integrity of <lb/> <rs type="place" corresp="Osmanisches Reich" ref="">Turkey</rs> against Russia, as Turkey is the only market for raw -<lb/> materials in the neighboarhood of Germany, upon which Germany can draw, independant of England's <lb/> sea supremacy. Besides Turkey gained more importance for Germany, <lb/> as the possibility of an Anglo - German conflict appeared on the <lb/> political horizon. Germany is able only throagh the way of <lb/> Asiatic Turkey to exercise some pressure upon the <rs type="place" corresp="Sueskanal" ref="">Suez Canal</rs>, upon <lb/> which <rs type="place" corresp="Großbritannien" ref="">Greater Britain</rs> depends not less than Germany upon the free <lb/> access through the <rs type="place" corresp="Ärmelkanal" ref="">British Channel</rs> to her own shores.</p> </div> </body> </text> </TEI></div></article></div></div></div></div></div></div><div xmlns:xlink="" id="zoom__thumbSlider" class="zoom-paging"><div id="zoom__thumbSlider__bg"><span stlye="display: none;"> </span></div><div class="centered-abs "><div class="" id="zoom__thumbToggler"><a class="show" title="Seiten an"><span>Seiten an</span></a><a class="hide" title="Seiten aus"><span>Seiten aus</span></a></div><div id="zoom__pagetextToggler"><a class="" href="/dms/content/zoom/356357" title="Text aus"><span>Text aus</span></a></div></div></div><div xmlns:xlink="" id="pageList" style="display:none"><span data-id="356357" data-type="vl-image" data-pagination="1" data-w="2662" data-h="4139" data-pcaption="Seite 1"> </span><span data-id="356359" data-type="vl-image" data-pagination="3" data-w="2662" data-h="4139" data-pcaption="Seite 3"> </span><span data-id="356360" data-type="vl-image" data-pagination="4" data-w="2662" data-h="4139" data-pcaption="Seite 4"> </span><span data-id="356361" data-type="vl-image" data-pagination="5" data-w="2662" data-h="4139" data-pcaption="Seite 5"> </span><span data-id="356362" data-type="vl-image" data-pagination="6" data-w="2662" data-h="4139" data-pcaption="Seite 6"> </span><span data-id="356363" data-type="vl-image" data-pagination="7" data-w="2662" data-h="4139" data-pcaption="Seite 7"> </span><span data-id="356364" data-type="vl-image" data-pagination="8" data-w="2662" data-h="4139" data-pcaption="Seite 8"> </span> </div><var id="publicationID" value="356383" class="zoomfullScreen"> </var><var id="mdlistCols" value="false"> </var><var id="isFullzoom" value="false" class="zoomfullScreen"> </var><var id="employsPageview" value="false" class="pagetabs"> </var><var id="webcacheSizes" value="128,304,504,800,1000,1200,1504,2000"> </var><var id="navLastSearchUrl" value="/search?query=bib.personalName%3D%22Bechstein%2C+Ludwig%22+and+vl.domain%3Ds2wp+sortBy+dc.title%2Fasc&operation=searchRetrieve"> </var></main></div></div><div id="bottomParts" class="flex-s-col "><footer role="contentinfo" class=""><div class="footerContent" id="footerContent"><span class="f-links-vls"><a id="footerLinkVLS" target="_blank" href="">Visual Library Server 2024</a></span></div></footer></div></div><div id="disclaimerCookieSmall"> <form action="/action/setDisclaimerCookie"> <label> Cookies ermöglichen eine bestmögliche Bereitstellung unserer Dienste. 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