[MS 23 - Mschr. Niederschrift von Gesprächen zwischen Schultze-Gävernitz und Lindsey]
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Interview with Judge Lindsey (Denver Colorado) with Prof. Schultze-Gaevernitz, January 1916.

[Diese Aufzeichnung, in der ich mehrere Gespräche mit Herrn L. zusammenfasste, wurde von Zimmermann gelesen u. ohne Correctur gebilligt.] Sie soll baldigst Roosevelt übermittelt u. Herrn Lindsey, nahem Freunde R., diesem mündlich erläutert werden. Roosevelt, dessen Praesidentschaftskandidatur für diesen Herbst Freund Rumely eifrigst betreibt, gilt in Bezug auf Deutschland für "lernbegierig" - wohl um das "progerman vote", das auf etwa 25% der gesammten Wählerschaft veranschlagt wird, zu gewinnen. Wie dem sei, jedenfalls ist Roosevelt drüben der Mann, dem an Beweglichkeit der Fantasie wie fortreissender Kraft des Willens keiner gleicht.] Dieses streng vertraulich.

1) Russia pushes forward to Konstantinopel Siehe hierzu den entsprechenden Artikel in der Wikipedia. See the corresponding Wikipedia article. originally by reasons of religion, to - day by economic reasons as the big export of grain goes through the straits. Russia is bound to export enormous quantities of agricaltural produce to pay the interests of her enormous government loans. Russia is the greatest debitor, the world history has ever seen. Since Japan and England drovve her out of Eastern Asia, where she had the ambition to establish a Pacific Empire, Russia pressed the much stronger upon Constantinople. The consequence was the organisation of the Balkan States by Russia, which was primarily meant to crash Austria-Hungary,- this state being the chief hindrance in Russia's march to Constantinople.

2) At the time of Bismarck, Germany had no life-interest in the Balkans, but even Bismarck al ready guaranteed the integrity of Austria-Hungary against Russian aggression, as Austria - Hungary is the only natural ally which Germany has in the world. Under Wilhelm II Germany went farther and defended the integrity of Turkey against Russia, as Turkey is the only market for raw - materials in the neighboarhood of Germany, upon which Germany can draw, independant of England's sea supremacy. Besides Turkey gained more importance for Germany, as the possibility of an Anglo - German conflict appeared on the political horizon. Germany is able only throagh the way of Asiatic Turkey to exercise some pressure upon the Suez Canal, upon which Greater Britain depends not less than Germany upon the free access through the British Channel to her own shores.